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Forsyth County Agricultural Advisory Board


The purpose of the Agricultural Advisory Board is to promote agricultural values and the general welfare of the county, and more specifically, increase identity and pride in the agricultural community and its way of life; increase protection from nuisance suits; encourage the economic and financial health of agriculture; and increase protection from non-farm development and other negative impacts on properly managed farms.

Members and Non-Voting Staff Person(s)

The Advisory Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Membership requirements are as follows: each member shall be a Forsyth County resident; at least four of the seven members shall be actively engaged in farming in Forsyth County; one (1) member shall be a non-farm member; one (1) member shall be "at large"; and one (1) member shall also be a County Commissioner who shall serve only so long as he or she is a County Commissioner.
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The members shall be selected for appointment from the names submitted through the online application process in conjunction with recommendations from the Forsyth Soil and Water Conservation District Board, the Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Service, the Forsyth County Farm Service Agency, and the Forsyth County Farm Bureau. Members will serve three (3) year terms, with reappointment permitted for a maximum of two consecutive terms, after which the member must be off the board for at least one year before being eligible for reappointment. The County Commissioner member will not be subject to the term limits set forth herein.
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Any vacancy on the Advisory Board is to be filled by the Board of Commissioners for the duration of the unexpired term and consistent with the capacity in which the vacancy occurs as set forth in Article IV, Section C of the Voluntary Agricultural District Ordinance.

Currently Serving

First Name Last Name Position Start Term End Term
DeniseTerryActively Engaged in Farming in Forsyth County06/23/202206/30/2025
JamisonAppleActively Engaged in Farming in Forsyth County03/30/202303/30/2026
LucasWeavilActively Engaged in Farming in Forsyth County03/21/202403/30/2027
NealDagenhartAt Large03/21/202403/30/2027
RichardLinvilleCounty Commissioner12/19/202412/31/2025
ThomasReedActively Engaged in Farming in Forsyth County06/27/202405/30/2027


Meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held at the call of the chairperson and at such other times as the Advisory Board may specify in its rules of procedure. A meeting shall be held at least annually and notice of any meetings to the members shall be in writing, unless otherewise agreed to by the Advisory Board.

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