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Forsyth Technical Community College Board of Trustees


Forsyth Tech is governed by a board that is dedicated to upholding the College’s mission statement to provide flexible educational pathways to a competitive workforce for the community and global economy and that every aspect of decision making reflects the College’s core values. It is made up of accomplished professionals with a passion for providing postsecondary educational opportunities to people throughout the community.

Members and Non-Voting Staff Person(s)

Four members are appointed by Board of Commissioners, four (4) by Board of Education, and four (4) by Governor of North Carolina. Members were initially appointed for 2, 4, 6, and 8-year terms. Upon completion of terms, appointments are now made for 4-year terms.

Currently Serving

Firs tName Last Name Position Start Term End Term
ErnestLogemannCounty Commissioner Appointee06/27/202406/30/2028
KimberlyJacksonCounty Commissioner Appointee09/22/202206/30/2026
R. AlanProctorCounty Commissioner Appointee06/24/202106/30/2025
SaraSingletonStaff Member
TonyaMcDanielCounty Commissioner Appointee07/27/202306/30/2027


College offices, adjacent to President's office - 3rd Thursday of 3rd month of each quarter - 3:00 or 4:00 p.m.

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