Agriculture and agribusiness account for nearly 20 percent of North Carolina's jobs and income, but the industry faces changing technology, world markets, consumer demands and environmental regulations. North Carolina Cooperative Extension's educational programs provide farmers and agribusinesses with the research-based knowledge they need to continue producing a stable, safe and affordable food supply in economically and environmentally sustainable ways.

  • Beginning Farmer Resources
  • Forestry
  • Field crops - tobacco, soybeans, corn, cotton, peanuts, forages & small grains
  • Livestock - cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, equine and other livestock animals
    Our Livestock Extension Agent, addresses needs related to management, nutrition and health concerns and practices of livestock production and offers solutions for pasture and hay land to economically improve performance.
  • Natural Resources and Environmental Systems - provides outreach and education to promote environmental stewardship and the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices in agricultural and forest resources, soil preservation, water and air quality, and the use of recycling and composting to promote responsible waste disposal.
  • Commercial Horticulture Commercial horticulture is an educational program for the horticulture professional. The program is part of N.C. Cooperative Extension and is focused on improving the expertise of landscapers, plant nursery growers, farmers market operations, small fruit and vegetable growers and related entrepreneurs.
  • Local Foods

Learn More about N.C. Cooperative Extension Programs in Agriculture Here

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