The DMV collects vehicle taxes as well as registration fees. They offer 3 different payment options. You may use their online application at or visit your local License Plate Agency. Payments should be made payable to NC DMV and are accepted by mail at the following address: NCDMV, P. O. Box 29620, Raleigh, NC 27626. DMV registration questions may be answered by calling 919-814-1779.
E-check payments typically take several days to come to the County for processing. This is important to keep in mind as the date the payment is received by the Tax Office is the date used for interest purposes.
Also, it could be the payment was denied due to an incorrect account number being entered. There are some checking accounts that do not allow e-checks to be used. In these cases the transaction will not complete and money is not sent to the County for processing.
Tax payments submitted by mail are deemed to be received as of the date shown on the postmark affixed on the envelope by the United States Postal Service (USPS). If no date is shown on the postmark or if the postmark is not affixed on the envelope by the USPS then the tax payment is deemed to be received when the payment is actually received in the Tax Office. Third party postmarks (such as Piney Bowes, etc.) cannot be used in lieu of the USPS postmark. Certificate of Mailing forms are not acceptable documents to provide as proof of date mailed.
If there are any disputes arising about the timeliness of mailed payments, the burden of proof is on the taxpayer. The Tax Office typically accepts certified and registered mail documents from the USPS as proof of mail date.
Yes, as long as you are current on previous year taxes. Beginning
in January, a pre-payment plan can be set up for future taxes. You may contact
our office at (336)702-2300 to inquire.
If a bill is paid by two different payors, the over-payment is sent to the entity who made the second payment and to the address found on their check. Over-payments are sent in the form of a check by the Finance Department and may take from 8 to 12 weeks.
If you do not agree
with the value, you may appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review by
filling out a BER Appeal Form. You may request a form by contacting our office
during normal business hours, or you may print your online form by accessing
your property on Detailed
Property Information. The timeframe to appeal is from January 1 until June 30, unless otherwise advertised.
Forsyth County Tax Administration maintains Block and Lot Parcel Information for properties within Forsyth County. There are multiple ways to access Block and Lot Parcel Information.
To view a list of Block and Lot Information for each PIN within Forsyth County please go to the Block and Lot Parcel Information page. These maps include the lot lines for each block and lot along with annotated dimensions of each lot. To view the block and lot information in Tax Parcel Viewer, first hide the labels in the 'Parcel' map layer, then add 'Lot Annotation' to the 'Parcel Annotation (Dimensions, Acreage etc)' map layer.
The Tax Parcel Viewer allows you to view an interactive map that includes the block and lot lines. To view the block and lot lines on the Tax Parcel Viewer, first you must disable the ‘Parcel’ map layer, then enable the map layers titled ‘Legal Lot Lines’ and ‘Tax Block’, then select the ‘Show layers’ option for the ‘Tax Block’ map layer.
Block and Lot Information is also available on the Assessment Map Archives. The Assessment Map Archives include maps of each parcel within Forsyth County. These maps include the lot lines for each block and lot along with annotated dimensions of each lot. These dimensions have been calculated for tax purposes only.
Note: It is important to note that the dimensions of lot lines included on all information maintained by the Forsyth County Tax Administration are calculated for tax purposes only. The acreage of a tax parcel may not match the deeded or platted acreage of the parcel. Similarly, the dimensions included on tax maps may not match the legal lot dimensions included on a plat or deed. To access information on the legal lot dimensions of a parcel, you can locate the deed of the parcel by accessing the Deeds tab on Detailed Property Information or going to the Register of Deeds Look Up.
Additionally, all information on the Tax Parcel Viewer that is included in the 'Parcel Annotation (Dimensions, Acreage etc)' map layer is current as of January 1 of the most recent year listed in the Assessment Map Archives.
You need to submit a
completed application on or before June 1. You can obtain an application by calling the office at
336-703-2300 and one will be mailed to you. You may also stop by the office
during business hours. You must meet certain criteria to qualify. More
information is provided on the website at under Property Tax Relief.
Owners must list their personal property each year during the listing period which is during the month of January. On the listing, you will need to provide the address where the personal property is located. This address has to be an address in the MAR (Master Address Repository). In order to locate or confirm the address is part of the MAR, you may confirm the address though the Tax Parcel Viewer or MapForsyth or MAR Street Address List.
can find your business personal property abstract account number by clicking on
the following link:
2023 Forsyth CountyBusiness Personal Property Accounts.pdf
2024 Forsyth County Business Personal Property Accounts
Once on the link, use the “Find” option on your browser to search for your
business name or your property (situs) address.
Make a note of the abstract number associated with your business and use
it when completing a listing extension request form that can be found at .
As required by state law, late
listings will receive a penalty. An extension of time to list (up until April
15th) may be obtained by sending a written request showing "good
cause" to the Forsyth County Tax Administration by January 31st.
Owners must list their personal property each year during the listing period which is during the month of January. On the listing, you will need to provide the address where the personal property is located. This address has to be an address in the MAR (Master Address Repository). In order to locate or confirm the address is part of the MAR, you may confirm the address though the Tax Parcel Viewer or MapForsyth or MAR Street Address List.
Reappraisals are conducted to provide equity between properties and to maintain fairness. It is necessary to re-equalize values periodically to ensure that all property bears its fair share of the tax burden - no more, and no less.
During the reappraisal process, several factors are taken into consideration to arrive at each parcel’s value. For example, some reappraisals may not be complete if the property had changes to a building, or if a new parcel id number was issued due to a change in land size. This may delay the completion of updating these values. You will be notified of the new value as soon as possible and will have an opportunity to appeal if you do not agree with the value.
If you believe the information used to value your property or the property value is incorrect, you may file an informal appeal by completing the form enclosed with your 2021 reappraisal notice and returning it to our office within 30 days of receiving the notice. Please make certain that you verify the information printed on the form and provide as much detail as possible. Please keep a copy of any information provided to us for your records. Appeals also may be completed online at eNotices Online.
Yes. If you
would like to do so, please go to eNotices
Online. If you have not registered before, you will
need to register using the authorization code shown on your last Reappraisal notice, Forsyth County
Listing Form or Bill. If you have multiple accounts, you may register
once and then link all of your other accounts. If you decide later that
you prefer to receive notices via regular mail, you may discontinue this
If the informal appeal process does not resolve your concerns, you may appeal your valuation to the Forsyth County Board of Equalization and Review. Formal appeal forms are available on Detailed Property Information or by calling our office at 336-703-2300. Formal appeals must be filed by June 30th, 2025 or within 15 days of your last value notice, whichever is later. Appeals to this board must be submitted in writing. If you do not agree with the Board’s decision you may appeal to the North Carolina Property Tax Commission. The North Carolina Court of Appeals and the North Carolina Supreme Court would hear further appeals.
Reappraisals cause a significant increase in workload for our appraisal staff; therefore, our appraisers are not always available in person. Please call (336) 703-2300, and we will be happy to take your contact information for a call back, or schedule an appointment for you.
No, the tax value of your property is our estimate of the likely sale price of your property if sold on January 1, 2025.
The impact of a reappraisal on an individual tax bill may vary. The County attempts to consider the overall market, the local market and the individual characteristics of each property when estimating value. Therefore, the value of an individual property may increase or decrease independently of surrounding properties. Changes in your total tax obligation are dependent on the amount and value of personal property you own, the changes in your real property value, and the adopted tax rate for your jurisdiction.
Tax assessment records are open to public inspection. You may also visit the Tax Assessor's website at the following web address to view tax records on-line:
You may also research property transfers a by visiting the Forsyth Sales Application.
We anticipate that property owners will receive reappraisal notices within the first two weeks of February 2025.
For foreclosure sales, a Commissioner's Deed will be issued. Unless
otherwise stated in the Notice of Sale, all liens including in the judgment
will be eliminated after the Commissioner's Deed has been issued and
recorded. The property is sold subject to all County and City taxes and
assessment not included in the judgment.
A Voluntary Agricultural District Map identifies properties located within a ½ mile radius of a Voluntary Agricultural District. You can view the Voluntary Agricultural District map by going to A list of properties that have been designated as Voluntary Agricultural Districts and properties that are located within a ½ mile radius of a Voluntary Agricultural District is located at
It is important to note that the Map of Voluntary Agricultural Districts does not contain any information regarding Voluntary Agricultural Districts located outside of Forsyth County or, of properties in Forsyth County located within a ½ mile radius of a Voluntary Agricultural District located outside of Forsyth County. Information on properties that are in VAD Buffers from neighboring counties are now included in the searchable list above and have a VAD Status of "In Neighboring County VAD Buffer". VAD data was obtained from surrounding counties as of October, 2022.
The farmland must be an active participant in the Present Use Value Assessment program by meeting all the qualifications of the program as set forth in NC GS 105-277.3, as determined by a County Tax Office, and qualify for and complete the County Voluntary Agricultural District Application for Participation process through the a County Soil and Water Conservation Department.
The Voluntary Agricultural District Map is located at
To search a list of Voluntary Agricultural Districts and the properties that are located within a ½ mile radius of a Voluntary Agricultural District please go to
More information about Voluntary Agricultural Districts can be found on the Forsyth Soil and Water Conservation website at: Agricultural District is a designation given to qualified farmland designed to increase identity and pride in the Agricultural community and its way of life, and increase protection from nuisance suits and other negative impacts on properly managed farms. Voluntary Agricultural Districts promote the preservation, development and growth of farmlands.
A local municipality demolished a structure on your property. All
demolition assessments are liens against the property on which the demolition
occurred. The cost to demolish this structure is now considered a demolition
Some local municipalities in the County have
an agreement for the Forsyth County Tax Administration Department to
responsibly bill and collect payment on properties that were demolished for
that municipality's demolition assessments. You may be receiving the annual
bill or a percentage of the full bill.
The answer depends on which municipality in Forsyth County, N.C.
the property was demolished.
Forsyth County
The Forsyth County Tax Office has full
authority to proceed with garnishment of wages or bank accounts, debt setoff of
income tax refunds or lottery winnings, and foreclosure at any time once
payment is delinquent. Once foreclosure begins, additional charges may accrue.
Please email We will have
someone research the last demolition assessment payment and email an answer to
Contact Tax Customer Care at 336-703-2300 to
confirm payment amount.
Payments may be mailed to:
Forsyth County Tax
PO Box 82
Winston-Salem, NC 27102
Or in person at 201 N. Chestnut Street,
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
This video will explain how you can search for and obtain your plat date.