• By Peter Lloyd
  • Posted Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Apply Now for Environmental and Air Quality Awards

The Environmental Assistance and Protection Advisory Board may recognize businesses, industries and organizations by presenting one of two awards for exceptional efforts in reducing pollution. The first award is the "Special Air Quality Award". This award recognizes those facilities that have reduced their air pollution beyond regulatory requirements. The second award is the "Special Environmental Award" with emphasis on pollution prevention. This award reflects efforts made by a facility or organization to control/reduce pollution in any environmental media. You may submit an application for Calendar Year 2015 and\or Calendar Year 2016. If submitting and application for both Calendar Years, their should be two separate applications for two separate and distinct projects.

Applications for the Special Awards can be downloaded at: http://www.forsyth.cc/EAP/Board_Awards.aspx.

Applications for the Special Awards must be submitted to the Advisory Board via the Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection no later than June 30, 2017. For proper review and consideration, applicants are required to attend the Advisory Board meeting on July 17, 2017. Applicants may provide a presentation outlining the reduction activities undertaken at their facility. Please address all correspondence to Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, Attn: Peter DeVries at the letterhead address. Should you have any questions please call Peter Lloyd at the Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection (703-2428) or email him at lloydpb@forsyth.cc.