There are many contests in youth livestock. If you are interested in learning more about Poultry Judging or Avian Bowl and participating in one of these contests, there will be an interest meeting held on Thursday, May 10 from 6-7 p.m. at the Davidson County Extension Office (301 E. Center St., Lexington).
Please call 336-242-2080 or email Sara if you plan to attend (or if you would like to participate, but can not attend the meeting). Descriptions and dates of the contest are below. At the meeting, we will work to determine practice schedules and have some activities as well.
Poultry Judging - July 20 (Raleigh)
Contest consists of:
Avian Quiz Bowl - July 20 (Raleigh)
Youth ages 9-18 that are interested in learning to judge livestock (meat goats, swine, meat-type sheep, and beef cattle) should contact April Bowman at 336-703-2855 or The state livestock judging contest will be at NCSU July 26-28. All expenses will be covered and transportation/lodging is provided.