Forsyth County is committed to sustainability. In FY2019, the Forsyth County Board of County Commissioners passed a resolution supporting clean and renewable energy for County facilities and operations; encouraging private citizens, businesses, other governmental units, and the State of North Carolina to strive toward a goal of using as much clean and renewable energy as feasible, with a goal of moving toward a complete transition to utilization of clean and renewable in all energy sectors by 2050 to the greatest extent possible; and promoting job creation and economic growth in the clean energy sector. In FY2023, a draft Sustainable Energy Management Plan was developed by county staff. There are initiatives currently underway which support both sustainability, as well as the County’s economic development strategy. Please find data and analytics on those initiatives below.


The photovoltaic (PV) solar array on the Tanglewood Park maintenance building is one of Forsyth County’s key Sustainability initiatives for 2024. The 70 kW (kilowatt) array generates renewable electricity from solar energy which will provide approximately 103 MWh/yr, or 64%, of the electricity consumed by the maintenance building. The project will save Forsyth County operational costs in the form of lower utility charges totaling an estimated savings of $11,175 in the first year of operation, and upwards of $335,210 over the next 30 years. The project will also reduce the County’s annual carbon emissions by 1,304 metric tons. By reducing the County’s emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) we are helping to improve air quality while conserving our natural resources.

solar array on Tanglewood Park Maintenace building
Energy Produced
picture of a solar panel

46,173 kWh

Total solar energy output since system activation

CO₂e Saved
picture of a smokestack

71,561 lbs

Quantity of CO2 emissions that would have been generated by an equivalent fossil fuel system

In addition to the Tanglewood Park maintenance facility, there is a smaller solar array on the Forsyth County Municipal Parking Deck, consisting of 30 solar panels with a peak generating capacity of 10kW. In October 2024 it generated 1.55 MWh (megawatt hours) of electricity, saving the county approximately $170 and reducing carbon emissions by approximately 2400 lbs. The parking deck solar array is similar in size to a typical residential system.

Facility Efficiency

Forsyth County is committed to improving energy efficiency in county facilities. A single major lighting replacement project at the Reynolda Branch Library, transitioning from traditional to high efficiency LED lighting reduced the energy demand for indoor lighting by 18,348 watts or 62%. This will save the county over $6,000 annually at this one facility.

Overall, Forsyth County has upgraded over 2,000 lights and fixtures in county facilities to high-efficiency LED since 2021.

converting to LED light bulbs

Electrification of County Fleet

In FY2025, Forsyth County will add several light duty passenger electric vehicles to the County fleet. A bank of EV charging stations will be added to the Forsyth County Government Center Motor Pool and to the Health and Human Services Motor Pool location. The CO₂e per mile offset is anticipated to be 0.466 lbs CO₂ per mile compared to traditional gasoline vehicles. Over a 5-year period, the County expects to realize fuel savings of $34,704 and reduce emissions by 101.5 metric tons of CO₂, reinforcing its commitment to environmental sustainability and fiscal responsibility.

Electric Equipment – In 2024, Forsyth County began using electric landscape maintenance equipment on downtown public properties and in community parks. Additionally, the newest Forsyth County Park at Belew's Lake will go green with electric utility vehicles and lawn maintenance equipment.

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